Why The Pink Drink: Is Plexus Really All That?

Chances are you have heard of Plexus's iconic Slim, commonly referred to as "The Pink Drink." And if you are like me, you cautiously wondered what all the fuss is about. It seemed almost like magic, the health issues that people said that it helped them with, it almost seemed to good to be true. But last year, I finally caved and gave it a try. So here is my report:

Why I gave Plexus a try:

I have had and overcome many health issues throughout the years, but the last few years had been kicking me in the rear end, Fibromyalgia had reared its ugly head in my late 20's and has been debilitating. I researched, made lifestyle changes, tried different supplements, but I was barely keeping fibro days at bay. I was becoming desperate and disheartened, many things in my life were put on hold with no hope for the future. My hubby did his best to help me with the kids and the house, but to be honest, I was at times barely holding on. I eventually found my trio of natural supplements that seemed to mostly keep full on fibro days at bay, but I still had the fibro-fog, fatigue, and was in bed before 8:30 pm, and I was really wanting to go to bed long before that. I couldn't really commit to many things, I never knew if I was going to be able to keep any commitments, or if my schedule had too many things going on, that would knock me out.

I have this beautiful friend that I met in a Facebook group that shared with me about Plexus, she was very patient with me, but she wanted me to give it a try because it had helped her with the many of the same issues that I was having. I have to be honest, I was very reluctant. I grew up in the natural health community, I had worked in health food stores, I had seen my share of fake "miracle" supplements come and go, and I didn't want to waste my time and money on a sham. My friend understood, she would just periodically check in with me and see how my family and I were doing, and then she would give me a gentle nudge about Plexus. All while she was being patient with me, I read up on testimonies, looked at the ingredients, and took my time, I decided that the basis of Plexus made sense, and I was willing to give it a try.

The whole point and why it seems to help with any ailment is that the focus of the supplements and the company is your gut health and giving your body the tools that it needs so that the body can self heal and self regulate things like: blood sugar, metabolic rate, hormones etc., which aligns with what my years of study has led me to believe on how health and the body work. At this point, I was sold on the idea of giving The Pink Drink a try.

I consulted with my friend on what was good place for me to start and factors I had, like: I was breastfeeding, I don't do well with strong detoxes, allergies and such. We settled on doing the Custom Advanced Welcome Pack containing:

We settled on a plan with me starting really slowly, and I am so glad that I started slowly, because, I started detoxing, which is good but not fun. I had a bit of a headache and I broke out in rashes on my stomach and arms, I also detoxed some intestinal flukes (YUCK), which did not surprise me, many times when you are doing something good for your health your body has to, as I say, "clean out the closet and stir up a lot of dust." It's messy and not fun and things can often look worse, but then when your body gets passed it, things start to feel better. I did notice the Plexus MegaX® made me feel better within half an hour of taking it. I felt more alert and I didn't have as bad of fibro fog as I usually had. I did decide that I did not like taking the Plexus Active™ daily, and I have just been taking it here and there as a energy boost. 

After I got through the first week of detoxing, and more time progressed, I had to take less and less things for pain management, I noticed that I was staying up later and later, to the point that I could stay up until 11pm. I was able to keep more of my commitments, and I had more energy. I could enjoy playing with my kids more, do more activities outside the home, I now help in my church's kids programs. I have more energy to do the things that I love, like train my dogs (I love dogs and dog training) and I even started my online store and my YouTube channel @busywithdogs. This allergy season I was the only one in my house that didn't have issues with pollen, my whole family got sick and I was the only one who stayed well. I also lost the baby weight much faster this time around, which is not usually how it goes when you have your fourth kid in your 30's. I reached my pre-pregnancy weight when my baby was only 9 months old. Things were really looking bright for me.

And then, finances got tight and I had to spread out my doses and stop getting a few products... Suddenly, I had less energy, I was getting more emotional, I had to start taking things for pain, and was back in bed by 8:30pm. I had to cancel commitments, I started having severe fibro days where I was in so much pain and so tired that I could not get out of bed. I told my husband this and we scrimped what money we could to get me back on the Slim and I am getting better again after a month. Slowly getting my energy back. I am definitely feeling better, and I have decided that I want to try more of their products.

So to answer my own question in the title; YES it is. 

If you would like to try Plexus, click my link to try it. plexusworldwide.com/jenaseay

Yes, I will make money, but that is not why I am sharing, I am sharing because I want more people to have the energy and health that they want so that they can live their lives busy, full, and full of joy like mine.

Stick with me, we got this -Jena

Now just a disclaimer.  I am not a medical doctor.  I’ve never even played one on TV.  I do not prescribe, diagnose, treat or cure any disease or give any medical advice.  Nor do I claim to.  Each of us are on our own health journey:  your healthy journey belongs to you just as mine belongs to me.  I am sharing my experiences and what I have done for me and my own family.  The information I share is for educational purposes only.  I have completed my training as a Certified Naturopathic Doctor, a Certified Health Specialist, and as a Certified Natural Health Practitioner.  The information I share is based on a working knowledge of natural health and how nutrients and lifestyle affect our health.  It is not meant to replace a medical consultation.  If you need medical support, please be sure to consult with your medical doctor.


Why I Stopped Taking My Dogs for a Walk